Hello people i dont know if there are similar blogs and websites available in this category nevertheless i wanted to try my hand in it. My 5 year old daughter has super photograhic memory than my hubby and i put together. A fact we have to face is she is more convinced of what appears on TV than what is taught to her at home. All of us regardless of age are often times being misguided or falsely told or presented half truths in our daily dose of TV viewing because we are being constantly bombarded with ADVERTISEMENTS. We need it or not they want it coz the ad is deviced to attract.
But some ads deliver iminent sales target lack creativity, attention to detail or simply tasteless. So here is my small attempt in bringing awareness on such ads. All ads are not bad, so some mind blowing and brilliant ads which are precise to the point, too will feature here.
Now on to the latest Hero Karizma ZMR ad, this is not about the product per se but the ad.
I know a few riders who just finished their roadtrip to Leh and back to Chennai. But does a normal rider have a need to bike on ice or snow cover? Then again there is a disclaimer in the bottom of the video saying. Stunts performed by professionals in controlled condition. Please do not copy. Special tyres used, not commercially available. Children/young adults are never going to read this.
Secondly there are a group of penguins in the background of the rider, indicating its the southern hemisphere. For the uninitiated the Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere mostly in Antartica and the South American Galapagous Islands. Why they are not found in the north is a totally another post in Dr. JCs Class Room. But he goes on to shoot the northern lights (Aurora Borealis) which by the name suggest are found only in the Northern Hemisphere.
Atleast makers of this ad could have changed it to Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) or used Polar bear and Artic Terns instead of Penguins!
Alert Arumugam
But some ads deliver iminent sales target lack creativity, attention to detail or simply tasteless. So here is my small attempt in bringing awareness on such ads. All ads are not bad, so some mind blowing and brilliant ads which are precise to the point, too will feature here.
Now on to the latest Hero Karizma ZMR ad, this is not about the product per se but the ad.
I know a few riders who just finished their roadtrip to Leh and back to Chennai. But does a normal rider have a need to bike on ice or snow cover? Then again there is a disclaimer in the bottom of the video saying. Stunts performed by professionals in controlled condition. Please do not copy. Special tyres used, not commercially available. Children/young adults are never going to read this.
Secondly there are a group of penguins in the background of the rider, indicating its the southern hemisphere. For the uninitiated the Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere mostly in Antartica and the South American Galapagous Islands. Why they are not found in the north is a totally another post in Dr. JCs Class Room. But he goes on to shoot the northern lights (Aurora Borealis) which by the name suggest are found only in the Northern Hemisphere.
Atleast makers of this ad could have changed it to Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) or used Polar bear and Artic Terns instead of Penguins!
Alert Arumugam
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